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Usui Reiki Healer | Spiritual Life Coach

I am a Usui Reiki practitioner and Spiritual Life coach. I specialize in Reiki energy healing and intuitively provide guidance to those who are seeking spiritual, mental, emotional and physical healing in their life.  

When we experience emotional, mental or spiritual blockages, this often manifest as physical health issues (pain and aches in our body) and mental/emotional issues (depression, anger and anxiety). To see changes on these levels of our well-being, the energy that is blocked within our energy centers (chakra) will need to be released in order for energy to flow properly again. Once energy flows, this will allow our body to naturally begin its own healing process by clearing the old/stagnant energy. This will be more obvious on a physical level, but it will also begin to heal the mental, emotional and spiritual body leading to long-term benefits. With Reiki healing it will allow for this process to be seamlessly integrated on all levels of our being.


For those who would like to work on a more spiritual level, I also offer guidance sessions, where I dive deeper to work on your journey to self-awareness, soul growth and personal development. These sessions will help to expand your consciousness, shift your perceptions about life and bring out your true potential in this lifetime. I intuitively work with energies and channel guidance from the higher realms. I am a psychic, empath and a mystic that works with all four clairs: clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircognizance and clairsentient. I also use my mediumship abilities to connect to other soul's higher-self and spirit guides to deliver specific messages. 


Reiki means energy healing, also known as the life force energy of the Universe. In Japanese "Rei" 霊 means sacred and "ki" 気 means energy we cannot see. This energy is always present around us and we are unconsciously aware that it affects our mind and body. When our body is filled with this omnipresent and inexhaustible energy it can restore the balance of our mind, body and spirit. It is a hands-on technique that allows anyone to receive the energy without any belief system and faith. There is no negative energy transfer and stimulates healing on all levels (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical). The desire to work on healing and your own well-being would be a good mindset to begin the session.  


Founder of Usui Reiki, Makao Usui stated that traditional Japanese Reiki "lies in improving ones quality of life (spiritual enhancement) and not just healing". Usui Reiki is a tool that helps us resonate with Reiki energy and finally attain "ultimate peace of mind" (enlightenment). 


A Reiki treatment session does not require removal of clothing. It is advised to wear comfortable clothing to help you feel more at ease and relaxed during the session, but is not necessary. At the beginning of the session, I will explain a bit about Reiki and the session itself. During the initial conversation, you can discuss what you would like to focus on or if there is anything you would like to share that would help you to experience the most benefits of the healing session. In the session, I will adjust my techniques and time spent on various parts of your body depending on what needs most attention in order to help your energy find it's balance. At the end of the session, clients will feel lighter, more relaxed, balanced and uplifted. To receive full benefits of the treatment, it is better to stay still for 5-10 minutes before moving, drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest if possible for the next two days. 


Spiritual life coaching are for those who truly want to deepen the connection with the spiritual parts of themselves (soul level). A desire to learn, evolve and grow spiritually. And, to empower your own life by becoming a sovereign being; connected to your inner guidance by building your connection to the Universe and your higher-self. In the session, clients will understand themselves and the world around them from a spiritual perspective. By expanding one's perception it leads to a more meaningful life through finding who you really are on a soul level and your purpose in this lifetime. Instead of being the victim of circumstances, all events in our life have been divinely orchestrated to help us get back to our true path and purpose here. We cannot control what is outside of us, but we can control how we feel, think and react to any situation. What we give our attention to is where energy will be directed towards and will manifest in our own life; it is important that we always focus on the positive and appreciate what is already being given to us. The session provides a safe space for clients to feel comfortable talking about life, struggles and/or topics that are difficult to express for fear of judgment from others. Spiritual life coaching will help clear out energetic blocks or old wounds that prevents you from moving forward in life in a positive way and ultimately living your life to it's full potential.


Words of Enlightenment  
“I am the universe, the universe is me”
宇宙即我、我即宇宙。全ては一 体 
- Mikao Usui 
Laws of the Universe
“As above, so below. As within, so without”
- Hermes Trismegistus



I am available by confirmed appointments only.

For enquiries or to schedule Reiki

sessions (not offering coaching sessions at the moment),

email me at:

Follow on IG: yt_healing


Book: The Light Language Oracle

(available on Amazon, ebook coming soon) 


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